Wednesday, March 28, 2012


What is reality? What defines the perfect relationships, friendships, people, life, dreams... 
I have the belief that life and love are not about giving up things, they are about compromise. Who's to say what the perfect relationship is? The friendship? I have this friend who could not handle me venting about my ex for even a day. Does it make this person a bad friend? I would say no. Why? Because what makes her beliefs about my venting any less than my beliefs on it? What makes a person a good friend? One who doesn't emotionally hurt you or abuse you? Is it one that is always there? What about relationships? How does one love someone the right way? By not getting jealous, being controlling, by not caring enough, by ones perspective or another? What makes it healthy? Is it if you're happy? Because for either side it can be argued. Relationships, life, people, our ideas, are all perspectives.

 Above all what makes anyone's perspective or belief more or less acceptable than anyone elses? The answer is it does not. Life is about compromise, it is about accepting the certain truths and allowing those truths to have their freedom. For example, let's look at what it is to be a good person. Is being a good person: telling the truth, performing community service, being a good friend, partner, lover, human being, accepting? As society would see it, they would say yes. What about the good people who hurt others, who lie, who are not honest with themselves, and take advantage of others and play pretend? We all do this, because we are not certain of everything.

 If we held ourselves to such high moralistic standards, then we are fools. The ids in our minds are selfish and self appeasing. We are human and that saying is not to be taken lightly. We are not high and mighty and full of complete integrity. We all judge, and become envious at times, we demand, criticize based on what the majority tells us is appropriate. We label junkies and drug addicts as less because we follow the "american dream" or the "idealistic good" human being. We label the incidents of a struggled life as excuses for not being able to function in the present....Who the hell is anyone to discern or label it as less or more. Who the hell am I to have an opinion....I am human...We all are, and the inalienable truth is that we are not perfect, there is good and bad in everyone. We are born to make mistakes and learn from them as best as we'd like. I am human, as is the rest of the world, and the world is not perfect. In a perfect world we'd all remove ourselves from our high horses and compromise.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Sometimes the answer doesn’t always lie in the person that you want to be, but rather in the person that you already are. Life is always tumbling. It tumbles our hearts, our emotions, our minds, and every piece of us that matters. As we wake up each day, we don’t realize that the people we want to be already exist within us. In part of finding that, we must get through the toughest parts; people. There will be plenty of friendships, backstabbing friends, romance, and heartbreaks. Relationships are meant to build people, not break them. It isn’t always a question of what you two did wrong, sometimes it’s just timing. You can express over and over how much of it just doesn’t matter. Truth is everything does matter.  The way you treat people, matters. What you say about someone matters. How you love a person and handle their heart matters. Don’t kick it out the door because it hurts. Learn from it. Don’t go trying to play the tough guy or girl and pretend as if it doesn’t.  That doesn’t make you a man or woman.  That just makes you a coward. Be above the people who treat you less than what you deserve, karma is a bitch. The point is, life is about relationships. When you have friends and loved ones, the way you treat them is what leads you to the person that you will one day become.